SWPA Neighbors for Clean Air
Clean Air Council is launching its Southwest Pennsylvania Neighbors for Clean Air initiative on April 12 to raise awareness and recruit additional volunteers. This free event will feature Lois Marie Gibbs, the primary organizer at Love Canal, winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize and a Heinz award in the Environment, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
Southwest Pennsylvania, particularly Allegheny County, continues to receive poor air quality grades. Residents are demanding that industry and government protect their health, environment, and quality of life.
The Southwest Pennsylvania Neighbors for Clean Air initiative will establish at least 100 groups of 10 neighbors in southwest Pennsylvania to educate 1,000 new volunteer leaders about air pollution sources and build their capacity to address air quality issues affecting their lives.
For more information, contact Dave Smith at 412-854-8494 or dsmith@cleanair.org. You can also learn more and RSVP at their Facebook event.