2024-2026 Strategic Roadmap

PUMP survived the challenging days of Covid-19 and emerged ready to bring back programming responsibly, apply lessons learned, and meet this new season in Pittsburgh. In 2023, we hired a firm to help us engage with our community and co-create a Strategic Roadmap covering the next several years up until 2026 – the 30 year anniversary of PUMP’s founding.

What came out of the project is an exciting vision that builds on our strengths, articulates our growth areas, and invites our broader community into greater collaboration. PUMP’s Strategic Roadmap has been unanimously endorsed by our staff and board and we are pleased to share it.

View Our Strategic Roadmap

PUMP Strategic Roadmap

Learn how we aim to achieve our vision through our theory of change:

PUMP Theory of Change

PUMP Through the Years


PUMP has been working with young people in Pittsburgh since 1995. Starting in 2003, we began holding local interest forums, including political debates for mayor and county executive, forums on transportation, healthcare, city-county consolidation, energy policy, and more. Many people don’t know that PUMP originally stood for Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project. When we began, our mission was to help encourage young and talented people, both those who had lived here all their lives and those who were new to the region, to stay here. The work of PUMP is no less important today than it was at our founding. We seek to build a Pittsburgh for ALL. Read more about our history here