The United States is the only developed nation in the world without a federal paid family and medical leave program. Many states have begun to address this, but Pennsylvania and dozens of other states still lack a program that supports working families.

The Family Care Act
PUMP endorses the Family Care Act (House Bill 1200 and Senate Bill 580), legislation that calls for a paid family and medical leave insurance fund for Pennsylvania employees. Under the Family Care Act, Pennsylvania employees would pay into a fund via a small payroll deduction ($0.59 for every $100 earned) and be able to receive paid family and medical leave benefits to care for themselves in the event of a serious health condition, to care for a close family member with a serious health condition, to care for a new child, or for a qualifying urgent circumstance involving a member of the military.
PUMP is a coalition member of the statewide Family Care Act Campaign which supports this policy alongside dozens of organizations.
Sign up for campaign updates and action alerts HERE.

Federal Paid Leave
PUMP supports a comprehensive federal paid leave program. In 2021, PUMP joined national partners in lobbying for the inclusion of comprehensive leave in the Build Back Better Act. Although the legislation ultimately did not pass Congress, the coalition made significant progress in raising awareness and building support for the issue. Our work continues.
We support a federal program that:
- Covers all workers
- Defines family in an inclusive way that reflects the diversity of U.S. families
- Allows for progressive wage replacement
- Has strong administration and implementation