As the PSL continues planning our return to play, we are committed to providing all players and officials with the opportunity to safely get back to the sports they love – but we have to do so with some additional steps and requirements.
Our guidelines are subject to change at any point. Updates to these guidelines will be made if and when the CDC adjusts their guidance for sports competitions.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please email PSL Director Greg Mitrik.
Protocols to Play Outdoor
All players will be expected to follow our Covid-19 protocols at all times in order to enjoy our leagues. Updated for Spring ’22.
Protocols to Play Indoor
All players will be expected to follow our Covid-19 protocols at all times in order to enjoy our leagues. Updated for Winter ’22
Acknowledgement of Protocols
All players will be required upon registration to agree that they have read and agree to our Protocols to Play.
Covid-19 Waiver
All players are expected to sign our normal PSL Waiver of Liability and a Covid-19 Waiver to play.
CDC Recommendations
As per City of Pittsburgh Policy for permits, we strictly followed all recommendations as set forth by the CDC. PA’s requirements and recommendations are outlined here.
COVID-19 Reporting
Anyone playing who tests positive for Covid-19 or has come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days must notify us.
PSL Special Registration Announcement
Huge THANK YOU to PSLer Brandon Keenan & KVT Productions for their work and donation of this video!