Jaime Filipek Advocacy, General, PSL, PUMPed to Run, Recreation, Social

Each month we take the time to get to know one of our PSL officials better. This is a great way to know the person who dedicates their free time to umpiring or refereeing your games. This month we are changing things up and letting you get to know a PSL Staff Member!

Our April PSL Staff Member of the Month is Jaime! Get to know Jaime better and be sure to say hi to her next time you see her out!

How long have you been working for the PSL?: I was hired by PUMP in May of 2013.

What sports have you officiated?: I have officiated softball, kickball, volleyball, and broomball for the PSL.

What is your favorite PSL memory?: I think my favorite memories are all the random stuff we do that Ky and I like to joke should be added to our job descriptions. Like the time a tree fell down in the middle of West Penn Field, and we used bolt cutters to remove the branches and then pushed the tree off of the playing field (this took most of the day). Or when we took the kayak to Gardner Field and it actually floated for our social media video. In truth, my favorite memories are hosting a event, tournament or league and being able to see the joy that it brings other people! I miss that connection right now.

What do you do for a living?: My position at PUMP as the PSL Program Development Manager gives me the chance to connect PSLers to other programming that PUMP does; organize tournaments (like Kickball for a Cause, 3v3 Basketball Tournament, and our Summer Kickoff Sand Volleyball Tournament) and events (Play Solo Nights, Service Projects); lead PUMPed to Run; manage PSL’s social media channels and communications (PSL Playbook Newsletter); and a little bit of everything else!

Why did you decide to work with the PSL?: I have my Masters in Archives and Preservation and had been working as Pitt’s Med School Archivist prior to me applying for the position with PUMP. I was unhappy because as a life-long athlete and environmentalist I struggled to work somewhere with no windows. I loved the idea of combining my affinity for equity and advocacy with my absolute love of sports. Luckily, I had lots of experience organizing tournaments and club sports and was able to join the PUMP team! I started as a sports coordinator and have been fortunate to be able to grow within PUMP to my current position.

Anything you’d like to share about yourself with the PSL community?: While I have played pretty much every PSL sport out there, my true sport love is rugby! I have played since 1999 and was honored to serve as the Captain of the Pittsburgh Angels when we won two Division II National Championships in 2012 and 2014, and when we lost two Division II National Championships in 2009 and 2011. I currently still play for the Pittsburgh Forge. I have also been to 36 countries and all 50 States!