Monday, January 21, is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2019. This day serves as an important reminder of Dr. MLK Jr.’s commitment to activism and racial justice – and it is an opportunity for all of us to honor his legacy and give back to our communities. We’ve put together a list of just some of the events and service opportunities happening throughout the region to celebrate Dr. MLK Jr.
Events and Opportunities
Tuesday, January 15
We Shall Overcome: A Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. featuring Damien Sneed
Friday, January 18
Turn the Tables: Race & Education in Pittsburgh
Poetry Unplugged: An MLK Celebration
Saturday, January 19
Ride with the King: Black History Tour
Saturday Silver Screen: “Selma” at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (Downtown)
Sunday, January 20
Monday, January 21
East Liberty Celebrates MLK Day
MLK Day AntiRacist Yoga Practice
Canvassing to promote Just Harvest’s Free Tax Preparation Services for Low-Income Households
Cooking for Circles East Liberty
Art + Empathy: Carnegie Museum Of Art Celebrates MLK
Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the Children’s Museum
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration at The Mattress Factory
Let Freedom Sing: The 12th Annual Concert Celebration of the Martin Luther King Holiday
Wednesday, January 23
The Dreamocracy Learning Lab presents MLK 360 at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (Hill District)
Saturday, January 26
21st Pittsburgh Racial Justice Summit
Saturday, February 2
Coro Pittsburgh 20th Anniversary Gala & Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Awards
Did we miss something? Let us know! Email or submit an event to our community calendar.