Each month we are going to take the time to get to know one of our PSL officials better. This is a great way to know the person who dedicates their free time to umpiring or refereeing your games.
Our January PSL Official of the Month is Dawn! Get to know Dawn better and be sure to say hi to her at your next PSL game.
How long have you been officiating with the PSL? 12 years
Which sport(s) do you officiate? Volleyball
What is your favorite PSL officiating memory? When a woman stuff blocks a big, male hitter 🙂
What do you do for a living? Blended Service Coordinator for Pressley Ridge
Why did you decide to officiate with the PSL? At first, it was to have a second income. But over the years, I continued reffing because off all the great players I have met. Some of the players that I have known, for years and some of the more recent ones, really make me laugh and that part I enjoy the most. I also continue to ref because of the PSL staff that I have worked with over the years who have been really amazing to work with!
Anything you’d like to share about yourself with the PSL community? I love the sport of volleyball: playing, reffing, and coaching. I have 2 boys, Ryan (12) and Luca (10) and I have been married to my husband, Christian, for 13 years.