PA Redistricting Reform Commission – Share Your Feedback
In November 2018, Governor Wolf formed the bipartisan Pennsylvania Redistricting Reform Commission. The commission studies best practices in non-partisan redistricting and gathers feedback from Pennsylvanians to make recommendations for a non-partisan redistricting process that safeguards election integrity and fairness.
Recently, the commission began hosting community feedback events throughout the state and collecting feedback online. Your feedback will be used to inform the commission’s final written report to the legislature and Governor Wolf.
Make your voice heard on this important issue:
- Attend the Pittsburgh community meeting on 5/2/19 from 4-7 PM at Carnegie Mellon University. PUMP is providing promotional support for this community meeting. We hope you’ll join us to hear from others, share your own feedback, and engage with the Redistricting Reform Commission members who will be in attendance.
- Submit your feedback online
As part of PUMP’s Advocacy + Public Policy Agenda, we support equitable legislative districts that fairly represent all voting populations. We are an endorsing organization of Fair Districts PA and a steering committee organization of Draw the Lines PA.
More ways to help end gerrymandering:
- Draw your own legislative map as part of Draw the Lines’ citizens mapping competition – the Spring 2019 competition deadline is May 31, 2019
- Take action with Fair Districts PA