House Democratic Caucus Chairmen Dan Frankel (D – Allegheny, 23rd District), Representative Jake Wheatley (D – Allegheny, 19th District), the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, and other faith leaders hosted a news conference at Freedom Corner yesterday in response to the Charlottesville, VA domestic terror attack. They advocated for the passage of House Bill 505 and Senate Bill 96, the Hate Crimes Expansion Bills. These bills would expand the protected classes to include malicious intention against the actual or perceived ancestry, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity of another individual or group of individuals.
Brian Magee, PUMP CEO, attended the press conference in support of Rep. Frankel and the Jewish Federation’s efforts to see these crucial bills passed. These bills would add additional protections and support for marginalized groups and would be an important step in rejecting hate and bigotry in Pennsylvania. PUMP will continue to monitor the progress of these bills in the PA legislature and commends Rep. Frankel and the Jewish Federation for their leadership on this issue.
Read Representative Frankel’s press release about the conference to learn more.