We support love and stand united against hate!

Lindsay Cashman Active + Engaged Residents, Advocacy, Diverse + Connected Region, Featured Advocacy, General, Opportunities for Success

We at PUMP offer our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of the horrific hate crime at Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, Dor Hadash, and New Light congregations and the entire Jewish community. We grieve with you and we are here for you.

PUMP stands firmly in defiance to acts of violence in any forms, and specifically against all forms of bigotry, hatred, and racism directed at people because of who they are, where they worship, the color of their skin, who they love, where they are from, what language they speak, and other defining characteristics. We believe in the rights of all people to live safely and be respected for who they are. We seek a Pittsburgh and world where love and compassion win.

To the Jewish community – we love you and we stand with you. You are our neighbors. We must collectively work tirelessly to build bridges to one another and eradicate hate from our communities! Unfortunately this type of hate is not new to Pittsburgh. It’s about time the old saying about Pittsburgh -that we don’t cross bridges – is put to bed forever. We need and must cross more bridges.

The PUMP Advocacy + Public Policy Agenda is focused on equity. We believe that getting to know one another and highlighting our common bond of humanity is how we will achieve the region we envision where everyone has the opportunity to live, work and play together in harmony.

We are so humbled to have been a part of a beautiful and powerful multicultural convening organized by Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP) on Monday evening. PUMP Board Member and Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Director of Community Relations Josh Sayles stated “we’re here to stand in solidarity and to let all who will listen know that anti-semitism, racism and bigotry will not be tolerated in our community.” Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Dean of Students and Pittsburgh Police Chief Chaplain Rev. John Welch reminded us all that “The xenophobia that we’re dealing with today is a decedent of racism..and so until we deal with racism…we will continue to deal with the xenophobia that we are experiencing.”

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with partners of all backgrounds and areas of interest in order to advance the region for all and eradicate hate. Together we can make a difference.

Resources/Ways to Help:

photo credit: TribLive.com